1C --- Communication通訊產品(多功能專用手機、寶貝機及GPS手機)。
2C --- Consuming electronics消費性電子產品(GPS guider、可愛造型共振喇叭、高爾夫球定位器)。
3C --- Car electronics service車用電子產品及系統服務(行車攝影記錄器、車輛監控系統及服務平台)。
未來將以無線通訊整合應用產品為公司之主軸,例如:SIM CARD管理器及遠距照護監控設備等皆已接近開發完成階段。

Seta Corporate Philosophy

The way we always care, the value of humanized technology

Our outstanding competitiveness and professional ability have not only earned the trust of our customers, but our goal is to connect people worldwide by providing them thoughtful communication solutions.
Motivated by the ideal of leveraging the balance between technology and fundamental humane needs, SETA has continued to develop and release the most advanced products and services to satisfy our customers.
We believe that the company's growth depends on the creation of innovative in humanized products. We will continue to grow together with our customers, partners and society.
With SETA, passion for caring this collective awareness makes our products so unique and special in global society.