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公司 結進材料科技股份有限公司廠商會員 - 第 19 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 710台南市永康區民東路35號
聯絡人 鄭佳勇
電話 06-2538111
傳真 06-2537840
電子郵件 jiejin@ms5.hinet.net
網址 www.jiejin.com.tw
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隨著後PC時代降臨,輕、薄、短、小、高附加價值的IA(Information Appliance)產品正符合時勢所趨。新穎多功能材料及創新製程技術,更是產業競爭致勝和主宰優勢發展之關鍵。本公司所生產的精密薄片,是結合知識、技術、資訊,並可廣泛應用在各類高品質3C產品。


Jie Jin Material Science Technology is a precision cold rolling strip mill located in Tainan, Taiwan. Equipped with the most advance 20 HI Sendzimir Rolling Mills, Vertical Bright Annealing Lines, Degreasing Lines, Precision Slitters, Shearing Lines and Stretch Bend Leveling Line from the United States of America, Germany and Taiwan; Jie Jin is capable to produce high quality precision metal with the minimum thickness of 0.05mm and minimum width of 2mm.

We acquired specially designed and the most advance equipment to suit special needs of the customers. On the other hand, a group of competent engineers is the engine of development and advancement of the company. With a strong sales force, our marketing personnel could easily serve our customers in the region. Good quality products with competitive price and prompt delivery are our first priority. Our expertise in metallurgy serve as great advantage in finding solution to typically high-tech problem and our group of highly qualified technical team are always there to provide solution to teething technical problems, innovation always enhanced our competitiveness considerably.

We have constantly upgraded our equipment in order to achieve better quality control of our products. As a result, our product quality is excellent and even much better compared to other competitors. We would like to welcome you to the world of Jie Jin Material Science Technology,. Where you will find a host of technical input and advancement in material selection.