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產品名稱 JSNA Series
公司 珈鋒國際企業有限公司廠商會員 - 第 19 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 248新北市五股區成泰路一段8巷8號
聯絡人 蔡世榮
電話 02-22960531
傳真 02-22960532
電子郵件 julise@ms36.hinet.net
網址 www.datarack.com.tw
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JSNA Series
JSNA Series
JSNA Series
產品名稱 : JSNA Series
型號 : JSNA Series

19" Cabinet Rack(Server Rack)

The JSNA Server Cabinet series is seismic rated to satisfy the Uniform Building Code seismic zone 4 and International Building Code seismic use group III upper floor test rating requirements for protection 600 lbs of essential equipment with optional JSE floor anchor brackets.

JSNA Series Server racks are designed and built to hold computers, servers, monitors, kvm switches, patch panels, network equipment, production bench test equipment and other electronic equipment. Server racks are used in a variety of industries such as computers/technology, finance/banking, manufacturing, medical and almost any corporate setting that could benefit from vertical storage of equipment. Server racks are an extremely important component of any network. Quite often server racks are overlooked as just 'another piece of hardware' or categorized under office furniture or shelving. Finding the right server racks can increase the protection, security and ease of management of any network. Server Racks also save valuable floor space and add a professional appearance to your facility.

Server Rack Size/Capacity- is one of the most important considerations, not only to make sure that the server rack has the right dimensions (height, width and depth), but also how the server racks will fit into the operating environment. This means checking the usable (inside) dimensions and the overall (outside) dimensions. You'll want to determine if freestanding, desktop or wall-mounted server racks will work best for your equipment and environment, although most server racks that house more than one server are generally freestanding. Check the weight capacity of the server rack to make sure it will work for your anticipated network equipment load.

●工藝先進,尺寸精準,符合 ANSI/EIAR-310-D DIN41491;PART1 、IEC297-2 、 DIN41494; DART7 GB/ T3047-92 標準,
相容 19' 國際標準,公制標準和 EISI 標準。
● 框架由九折式型材,優質專用三通焊接而成,整體結構堅固,承載負荷大。

● 造型別致的網孔前門及高密度網孔後門,通風散熱,外觀高雅氣派。

● 前門可選國際流行顏色的鋼化玻璃門 。

●左右側門可快速拆、裝,方便工作 。

● 可同時安有萬向腳輪和支撐腳,便於移動、固定。


● 頂部進線孔配有橡膠蓋。

● 深度可調(25mm為單位),容量間隔高度可調(1U為單位)。

●表面處理:去油、磷化、電泳底漆、靜電噴粉 。

● 主體顏色為電腦灰或黑色 。


● 國際品質機櫃可置換性的配件 。

● 可根據客戶要求定制各種規格及開孔變化。