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產品名稱 24吋胖棒球組(泡殼裝) 24-inch Jumbo Baseball Bat&Ball Set(Blister package)
公司 名將國際實業有限公司廠商會員 - 第 6 年
營業型態 製造商/代工廠, OEM, ODM, 貿易商/經銷商, 公司/行號
地址 745台南市安定區蘇厝里482號
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電話 06-5923471
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24吋胖棒球組(泡殼裝) 24-inch Jumbo Baseball Bat&Ball Set(Blister package)
24吋胖棒球組(泡殼裝) 24-inch Jumbo Baseball Bat&Ball Set(Blister package)
24吋胖棒球組(泡殼裝) 24-inch Jumbo Baseball Bat&Ball Set(Blister package)

1. 材質柔軟,不怕打破窗戶 soft to the touch, with no fear of breaking a window

2. 室內可玩,不怕下雨天can be played indoors, with no fear of rainy days

3. 不只可訓練手與眼的協調反應, 更可以安全地訓練及學習打擊技巧
A great tool to help not only develop the coordination between hands and eyes but also learn and practice ball-hitting skills safely and easily.

4. 擊球座高度可伸縮, 60~98公分, 底為45*45公分
The height of the t-base is adjustable- 60~98cm, the bottom- 45*45cm

5. 備有補充包隨貨販賣,不怕買不到球
Replacement balls availabe and can be bought seperately from the T-ball set

6.尺寸 & 顏色: 胖胖球棒- 24吋(紅/藍); 樂樂球- 9公分(直徑)(螢光四色&紅&藍)
Size & Color: Fat Bat- 24-inch(red/blue); Jumbo soft low bouncing baseball- 9cm(diameter)(4 neon colors & red & blue)

7. SKU: 8966