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產品名稱 直結式高真空泵浦 WSDM Series Oil Rotary Vacuum Pumps
公司 旭豪真空科技有限公司廠商會員 - 第 16 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 236新北市土城區大安路142號
聯絡人 白世綱
電話 02-80763000
傳真 02-80763300
電子郵件 paul_pai@livemail.tw
網址 www.sh-vacuum.com.tw
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直結式高真空泵浦 WSDM Series  Oil Rotary Vacuum Pumps
直結式高真空泵浦 WSDM Series  Oil Rotary Vacuum Pumps
W SDM series pump is OIL TIGHT ROTARY PISTON VACUUM PUMP and designed to meet customer's requirement such as high efficiency, lower price and ling life. This products manufactured under high technology and production know-how of WOOSUNG

I t's compressible range is wide from low vacuum to high vacuum, like vacuum condenser, vacuum exhaustion, vacuum plastic, vacuum dry, vacuum coating, fluorescent lamp and so on.

A s you see in the picture, inside of cylinder vacuum pump consists of axis, rotor, piston, slide pin, exhaust valve and so on. Outside of the cylinder consists of gear box, rear cover, oil reservoir, base

A s you see Figure - I , The gas is inhaled into the cylinder by rotation of the piston. After that, the piston be stock to the inside of the cylinder is rotated as shown in Fig - II. At this process the gas inhaled and compressed. As the exhaustion valve is opened after enough comression of atmospheric pressure, the compressed gas is extruded through the exhaustion valve. After passing the slide is restarting as Fig - I.

1.Excellent ultimate pressure

Consists of accurate parts with special design and its exhaustion speed is very high. So it can reach an excellent ultimate pressure.

2.Direct drive type

WSDM series pump with direct drive motor solved v-belt problems including periodical replacement, maintenance and pollution of the working place by

3.Air cooling method

The oil cooler is installed on the oil feeder line between pump and oil reservoir tank. So it doesn't need any other equipments as like water cooling method, much maintenance cost and frozen in the winter.

4.Less Noise and vibration

The noise and vibrations are very small owing to the specified structure design and new poduction technology.

5.Oil leakage

No oil leakage, compact design and inside oil seal enabled this.

6.Utility of the parts

Designed to use the principal parts in common that economical production is possible. And stock management and utility of the parts are better.

7.Easy oil checking

Oil check and managements are very convenient, since oil gauge, oil charging port and oil drain is located on one side of the oil reservoir

8.Easy maintenance

Able to check and repair in short time without special tool by easily designed exhaust valve.
Able to clean oil reservoir tank in short time by the flange of oil reservoir tank's bottom