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產品名稱 GV 乾式真空泵浦
公司 旭豪真空科技有限公司廠商會員 - 第 16 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 236新北市土城區大安路142號
聯絡人 白世綱
電話 02-80763000
傳真 02-80763300
電子郵件 paul_pai@livemail.tw
網址 www.sh-vacuum.com.tw
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GV 乾式真空泵浦
GV 乾式真空泵浦
BOC Edwards have pioneered the use of dry vacuum pumps in some of
the most harsh applications. With over 10 years experience and more than 60,000 Drystar pumps installed worldwide, this technology now becomes available to the industrial user.

Our GV Drystar pumps are a new series of dry vacuum pumps designed
to perform reliably and economically in a range of demanding industrial applications. The GV pumps have displacements from 90 m3h-1 to 540

Benefits of switching to BOC Edwards GV series dry pumps
Repeatable pumping performance.
No degradation in speed or pressure-no oil contamination.
Fit and forget performance.
No user intervention for 1 year.
Good dust handing using existing filters.
Claw mechanism is self cleaning and will pass micron size Particulate.
Noise and Vibration reduced.
Oil free exhaust fumes.
No oil reclaim. Clean environment around exhaust area.
Increased up time.
Maintenance cost savings.
No oil associated issues or frequent rebuilds.
Continuous atmospheric pumping with no detrimental effects to the pump.
Highly reliable dry mechanism, proven in 60,000 installations.

The design of the BOC Edwards GV dry pumps is based on the well-proven claw technology for dry pumps. Two pairs of claw shaped rotors on two shafts rotate in opposite directions to trap and compress the process gas which flows along the axis of the shafts between the claw pairs.
During each complete rotation of the claws, first the inlet port of each claw pair is exposed (to admit gas to the pump), then both the inlet and outlet are isolated (to trap and compress the gas), and then the outlet is exposed(to expel the compressed gas). The claw mechanism offers the followingfeatures:
Dry operation, non contact mechanism
Self valving -the pump can deliver to atmospheric
Pressure short gas path -better particulate handing
Staged compression-efficient power use
High process temperature - excellent water vapour handling