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產品名稱 SYRIS Active RFID Tag SYTAG245
公司 璽瑞股份有限公司廠商會員 - 第 17 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 403台中市西區台中港路一段12號21樓之2
聯絡人 洪昌佑
電話 04-22078888 分機152
傳真 04-22079999
電子郵件 jerry@syris.com
網址 www.syris.com
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門禁考勤 / 指紋辨識 / 電梯管理 / 考勤應用 / 停車場管理 / 住宅安全管理 / 一卡通等系統。

我們堅持在系統上提供更可靠的品質,更合理的價格及更具整合性的產品和系統。 SYRIS自業務接單、設計開發、採購、生產製造、出貨,到售後服務,均依循ISO9001,並已通過相關認證。


Established in 1990, SYRIS Technology Corp., a Taiwan based company with over 15-year experience in integration of Security, Access Control System and is especially dedicated on R&D and production. Being a leading company, we successfully establish global sales channels and promote our own brand, SYRIS, in worldwide market.

SYRIS has been committed to supplying zero-defect products to become the client's priority selection. SYRIS has sound regulations for production quality control and testing. Moreover, it has passed ISO9001 certification, facilitating to place its own niche in meeting client's demand in quality.

SYRIS'S product lines include:
. Proximity Card Reader / Access Control Security
. Fingerprint Identification System
. Door Access Control Management Software
. Time recorder- Time and Attendance Solution
. Long Range active System for the application of parking lot
. Home Security System
. One Card Solution

In view of increasing demand of comprehensive applications of RFID technology, in 2005, SYRIS devoted herself as an innovative RFID total solution provider. We considerably invested in RFID technology and well equipped with a team of experienced R&D. SYRIS is working to develop diverse RFID products, which can be applied to the commercial, industrial, and healthcare fields.

Our RFID products encompass the entire spectrum of high-performance components, which enable you to improve control and increase your business intelligence. We offer expertise and solutions for the following applications.

. Access Control Security
. Smart Packaging
. Supply Chain & Logistic Management
. Healthcare
. Transportation
. Wholesale / Material Management

In addition, SYRIS utilizes its outstanding quality and pricing strategy to offer OEM and ODM manufacturing service. Through free brand name market channels, SYRIS's market in RFID field is expected to expand rapidly.