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產品名稱 車用日照感測器
公司 映興電子股份有限公司廠商會員 - 第 19 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 408台中市南屯區台中市南屯區工業19路10號
聯絡人 映興電子股份有限公司
電話 04-23581581
傳真 04-23581828
電子郵件 sales@avertronics.com
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車用日照感測器-型號 Solar Sensor

Sensata's patented Solar Twilight Sensor uses a combination of our Solar and Twilight technologies. This combination offers OEMs the benefits of two functions in one package;

saving space and eliminating instrument panel clutter.
Using the solar signal, the climate control system can automatically adjust the temperature setting to maintain occupant comfort regardless of temperature changes caused by solar loading variations. Our patented diffuser technology provides horizon-to-horizon sensor response that allows the sensor to measure the solar heating, independent of the sun's elevation. This technique provides an accurate response model for the sensor to compensate for vehicle roofline position and glass.

The Twilight function works with lighting control to improve driver safety by making the vehicle more visible to other vehicles and pedestrians. Custom photo ASICs and proprietary optical plastics allow the sensor to respond to light like the human eye. The sensor generates an output directly proportional to the ambient light level.

Features and Benefits
l Accurate Light Measurement
l C.I.E. photopic response gives human eye-like reaction
l Responds to color and light variations that accompany different sky conditions
l Custom Photo ASIC provides increased output current compared to standard photo detectors
l Patented diffuser technology provides horizon-to-horizon response
l Twilight output current proportional to ambient light level
l Solar output current proportional to solar heating
l Reacts to changing solar heating conditions independent of the sun`s elevation
l Functions as a light dependent current sink
l Surface mount and chip-on-board technology
l Remains stable over temperature and time

Flexible Integration
l Customized configuration to meet specific mounting and cosmetic requirements
l Customizable output
l Custom interconnect
l Capable of adding additional functions such as dual zone solar sensing, tunnel sensing, interior fog sensing and an LED indicator