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產品名稱 PLCD Sensor
公司 映興電子股份有限公司廠商會員 - 第 19 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 408台中市南屯區台中市南屯區工業19路10號
聯絡人 映興電子股份有限公司
電話 04-23581581
傳真 04-23581828
電子郵件 sales@avertronics.com
網址 www.avertronics.com
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PLCD Sensor
PLCD Sensor

PLCD-Displacement Sensors (Permanentmagnetic Linear Contactless Displacement Sensors) basically consist of a special soft magnetic core surrounded by a coil, wound arround its entire length. On each end of the core there is a second short coil.
A permanent magnet guided close to the sensor causes localized magnetic saturation and thereby a virtual division of the core.

The position of the saturated area along the sensor axis can be determinated by the coil system.
The sensor is supplied by an external electronic module or by an integrated circuit which also produce the output signal.
The output signal is linearly dependent on the position of the magnet. The signal can be conditioned by a standard electronic module, which gives either a current output (4 ... 20 mA) or a voltage output (0 ... 5 V or 0 ... 10 V).
Customer specific interfaces are possible.


◆ Continuous, contactless, linear displacement measurement

◆ No mechanical connection between driving magnet and sensor

◆ Magnetic operation adaptable to individual applications

◆ Control through partitions of non-ferromagnetic materials

◆ Large mounting tolerances