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產品名稱 鏡面拋光砂輪
公司 大中興企業股份有限公司廠商會員 - 第 18 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 414台中市烏日區五光路789號
聯絡人 林經理
電話 4-23380208
傳真 4-23389265
電子郵件 abtc3@ms39.hinet.net
網址 www.abtc.com.tw
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專業項目: (Service and products)
中古機械回收 新.舊機械回收 回收舊機械 收購舊機械 舊磨床回收. 機械買賣...

Import of: Grinding and cutting materials, diamond grinding wheels, grinding wheels, and sales and production of cutting and grinding facilities and materials.

Export of: All types of grinding machines, grinders, specific grinding machine, and output of automated facilities.

公司概況Company Profile


大中興企業股份有限公司ABTC COMPANY位於台灣省著名的文化之都台灣中部—台中市,團隊係經由台灣最大規模之砂輪大廠組合而成,具有豐富經驗的磨具.磨料專業業者,舉凡生產規模、生 產技術、產品的深度、廣度或是服務客戶家數等均為同業先趨。本公司擁有服務品質及行銷通路架構完備之競爭優勢,在業界處於優勢地位。

ABTC, Technology Co., LTD is located at the middle of Taiwan, the famous cultural city- Taichung. The team is formed by the professions of the biggest grinding company of Taiwan, of which have the abundant experiences of grinding machines. Production scale, technical skills, and products varieties of ABTC are the best among other companies. ABTC advantages over other companies by the quality of the services and the completeness of the marketing places.

從各種類低階基礎至高階精密磨床.研磨品「磨床」「 研磨」、「磨.切削」加工使用的砂輪或刀具.配件等,均可全面供應,滿足客戶的需求。由目前提供國內產業使用之產品規格超過十萬種,服務的客戶2009年止超過二千家涵蓋各行各業。近年來,有感於傳統產業轉型之需要,本公司本著長久以來所累積「磨床」「研磨」及「磨.切削」的製造經驗利基,不斷投入人力培育,從事衍生性磨床製品的研發創新及進行企業改造,成立設備整合顧問事業部服務廣大的大陸市場,成效顯著,並跨足高科技網路資訊平台整合系統業。基於對技術創新、擴大應用的執著及產品品質的重視.並透過政府相關研發專案在技術及資金上的協助,躍升為高科技產業的一員。

ABTC provides tools and facilities from the traditional grinding machines to the super abrasive machines, grinders, grinding and cutting machines, or grinding wheels to satisfy the demands of customers. ABTC has over one hundred thousand of industrial products to supply customers over all fields in 2009. In these years, the necessity of transformation of traditional industrial positioning gives ABTC the opportunity to continually cultivate the elite human resource, to develop the ongoing research of grinding products and transformation of entrepreneur, to establish facility integration department to serve the huge markets in China, and to step into the business of high-tech Internet information integration platform systems. ABTC, with the development of new skills and application of products, the insistence on quality of products, and financial aids and technical support from government, becomes one member of the high- tech industry producers.

二、主要營業項目Main Services

1. 進口各種類 研磨品氧化鋁、碳化矽、拋光粉研磨品(即砂輪、金剛鑽石、設備、磨具、磨料)。
Import of: all types of Aluminum Oxide and Silicon Carbide Wheels, and grinding machines (grinding wheels, diamonds, facilities, and grinding machines and grinding materials).

2. 出口整廠設備整合規劃….其他金屬研磨製品製造研磨機床-五金金屬零件加工製造類。
Organizing the exportation and integrating the facilities of factories, and also manufacturing the metal grinding machines – manufacturing the processed metal materials.

3. 各種類 切削刀、工具.機械配件(聚晶鑽石、碳化鎢鋸片、成型刀)。
All types of cutting saws, tools and machinery materials (PCD, Tungsten Carbide blades, cutting blades)

4. 出口CNC數控研磨加工設備(三次元研磨加工、超精密平面、外圓柱、內孔徑、異型、研磨加工;聚晶鑽石、碳化鎢刀具)。
Exportation of CNC grinders (3D grinders, precise surface grinding wheels, roll grinding wheels, internal grinding wheels, processed of grinders; PCD, Tungsten Carbide blades)

5. 前各項產品之原物料、機械買賣及代理經銷業務。
The agency and sales of above mentioned raw materials and machines.

6. 網路資訊平台整合系統。
The system of integration of Internet information platforms

7. 表面硬化熱處理加工業 。
Surface harden processing

8. 模具製造加工業。
Manufacture of models processing

9. 機器設備製造加工業。
Manufacture of machineries processing

研究發展The Development of Research

一、研發目標The Objectives of Research

1. 追求資源運用效率的極緻化。
Purchasing the increased efficiency of using materials

2. 現有產品領域中的尖端技術差別化。
Differentiate the highest skills from those in products fields.

3. 透過製程改善及技術提升以延長產品生命週期。
Improving the technical skills and the process of production to extend the life circulation of products

4. 技術層級的擴大與充實
Expand the stages of technical skills

5. 積極導引大專生適才就業,建立接班人產品的量產技術。
Lead the college students to find the proper career actively, and build up the successors' production skills

二、研發策略 Research Strategies

Emphasize on subjects of research and centralize the research resource of “products and corresponding structure'

Within the “project management system' to cultivate researchers' professional skills

Seek the supports from research departments of Ministry of Foreign Affair, universities, and related governments departments.

4. 加強與引進國外成熟技術來源的連結。
To strengthen the connection of the mature technical skills from foreign countries.

2010年 因應電子.光電.半導體機械群迅速發展,資本額增資至NT$1000萬元
2011年 8月遷入台中市烏日區五光路789號250坪,廠辦合一。