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產品名稱 五線式類比電阻式觸碰面板TR5-121F-26N-B01
公司 兆福企業有限公司廠商會員 - 第 19 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 110台北市信義區台北市忠孝東路五段510號10樓
聯絡人 Tina Lin
電話 02-23462323
傳真 02-23463939
電子郵件 spktw@ms34.hinet.net
網址 www.spkecl.com
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產品名稱 : TR5-121F-26N-B01 (83F4-4180-C1260)

產品名稱 : 五線式類比電阻式觸碰面板

兆福公司除了中國大陸工廠具專業製造頻率控制相關產品已有30年經驗外,同時也是英國Sarantel公司在台灣/中國大陸及香港專利的Geohelix GPS 天線產品總代理,同時銷售SEIKO EPSON / EPSON TOYOCOM 產品。因為與EPSON產品範圍及規格不盡相同,正好補足產品線的缺口,兆福在代理與製造業務間取得極佳的平衡,因此無論尺寸及頻率範圍從最普遍到最精密、最小尺寸都非常齊全,如石英振盪器、Oscillator , TCXO, VCXO, VCO, OCXO,,還有陶瓷振盪器(濾波器)、SAW FILTER/ RESONATOR等。兆福成為擁有全系列完整產品的最佳供應平台。舉凡頻率控制零件、無線通訊、衛星定位、藍芽、資訊家電等都是兆福產品線主要的應用範圍

SPK was founded in Sept. 1987 by Mr. Bor Chung Chang. Prior to SPK, Chairman B. C. Chang was one of the founders and the board director of QUARTEK Technology Co., Ltd., then the largest manufacturer of Quartz Crystals in Taiwan. SPK Chairman B. C. Chang is still a director of QUARTECH.

QUARTEK was established in 1976 and renamed QUARTECH Electronics after company re-organization in 1987. The staff of SPK mostly came from business and engineering department of QUARTEK Technology Co., Ltd,. Most employees have at least 10 years of sales experience.

SPK Electronic Co., Ltd., is an industry veteran with 30 year experience in manufacturing its own electronic components. We are also the sales channel of Seiko Epson. In 2003, SPK was selected by Sarantel Inc (UK) as the only Distributor in Taiwan, China/Hong Kong to represent Sarantel's world-reknown and patented, GPS Geohelix Antenna. SPK also carries Telit GSM/GPRS module. Our products support GPS, WiFi, notebook, e-book, cellular phone, Wireless LAN, mobile communication, audio products and medical equipments.

SPK's frequency controlled products encompass Quartz crystal units/Crystal Oscillators, VCXO /TCXO/ VC-TCXO/ VCO/ OCXO, Crystal / SAW/ Ceramic Filters & Resonators, R.T.C. /Dielectric GPS patch antenna/ Filter/Resonator.

SPK provides products that enable semi & finished GPS technologies. Our commitment to quality and innovation have earned us excellent reputation worldwide. Our GPS product lines include Antenna (Sarantel Helix antenna and patch antenna) & Module for GPS+GSM/GPRS/Wifi/Glonass, GPS receivers Engine board, GPS Tracker, GPS Handheld, AVL.
SPK has also been the best outsourcing choices for customer's BOM. SPK has been a competitive OEM/ODM supplier of Touch Panel screen, LED, Switches, Buzzer (Transducer), Condenser Microphone unit, Ceramic Surge Arresters, Capacitor, LCD Controller, IC, and other products.

We pride ourselves in our comprehensive product offerings, superior quality and effective customer service and technical support. We are in synch with your product roadmaps and is your best partner for innovations