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產品名稱 GeoHelix-SMP (Passive GPS Antenna)
公司 兆福企業有限公司廠商會員 - 第 19 年
營業型態 公司/行號
地址 110台北市信義區台北市忠孝東路五段510號10樓
聯絡人 Tina Lin
電話 02-23462323
傳真 02-23463939
電子郵件 spktw@ms34.hinet.net
網址 www.spkecl.com
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GeoHelix-SMP (Passive GPS Antenna)
Product Name : GeoHelix-SMP (Passive GPS Antenna)

Description : GeoHelix-SMP (Passive GPS Antenna)

Sarantel Patented GPS smallest antenna Geohelix GPS passive Antenna-SMP Type,SPK is the Distributor of Sarantel Inc., who's develops and manufactures miniature new generation ceramic antennas. The company's patented PowerHelix™ technology, offer the benefits of small size, exceptional beamwidth and low Near Field-Geohelix antenna and Smart Antenna. They are used with portable GPS receivers in mobile phone, handheld GPS, Automotive GPS , and Wi-Fi and more products.

This dielectrically loaded quadrifilar helix antenna with its high performance and balanced design is ideal for applications requiring tight integration. GPS PDA, HANDHELD GPS, GPS Mobile phone. no ground plan needed, multiposition. Reduce SAR by 90%
Has very broad beam-width (up to to 175 degrees of 3dB),GeoHelix: No Proximity De-Tuning, Sarantel antennas hold frequency when held by or near user and exhibit filtering characteristics Does not require a ground plane,Omni-positional ,Predictable Performance