Our company,Long jin Taichung,is established in 1979.We started it by specializing in packing material and container for food,and for so many years efforts,we have earned good reputations in the market and still,we shall have full confidence and enthusiam to work hard and offer our best items for our customers.
Therefore, we are now gathering the high technigue of industrial and food from packing material,technology,machinery,and the automatic production in order to decrease the expenses of packings, to promote the side value of products, and to reach the top of the business in this field.This is our final goal.
We then established Shanghai Yang's plastics Co. in 1994 to expand our products to more markets,and offer our service to more customers.From this step,you can see the time of packing will come,and it will be more competitive and high standard of the items by the working efficiency and the mass production both in Taiwan and in China in the very near future.