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公司資訊 Company Information
名稱Name 勝詮機械工業股份有限公司(廠商會員 - 第 10 年)
聯絡人Contact 鍾惠如
統編Number 22130512
地址Address 429台中市神岡區東洲路206號
電話TEL 886-4-25244281
傳真FAX 886-4-25243616
E-mail Scrouter@ms35.hinet.net
網址Website www.scrouter.com.tw
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We hope that you will take a few minutes to browse around and see what Sheng Chyuan would offer you and learn a little bit more about us.

Founded in 1981, with more than 70 skilled technicians & the area of 3,200 square meters plant. Sheng
Chyuan Machinery Indutrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of router bits, cutting tools, solid carbide spirals, shaper cutters and drill bits.

For over two decades, Sheng Chyuan's products have built on their reputation for quality and reasonable price while exporting them to America and Europe. We believe you will find that Sheng Chyuan's products can meet your needs in ways. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any comments or questions about them.