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公司資訊 Company Information
名稱Name 龍吉宇精密股份有限公司(廠商會員 - 第 10 年)
聯絡人Contact 鍾經邦
統編Number 84968026
地址Address 350苗栗縣竹南鎮仁愛路1283-1號
電話TEL 886-037-583910 分機23
傳真FAX 886-037-583635
E-mail Lawai.chung@yahoo.com.tw
網址Website www.lawai-alloytube.com
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其製作原理乃利用熔融之金屬鋼液倒進高速旋轉之金屬模具中 ,將鋼液均勻地披覆於模具,由外向內慢慢凝固即成型為中空之無縫鋼管。因強大之離心力將所有雜質,氣孔..等排除,克服了一般鑄造無法達成之任務,無論機械性質,晶粒組織狀態及晶粒度均處於極優越狀態。

耐腐蝕合金, 耐熱合金, 耐磨合金為主要的離心鑄造材料,目前研發出的離心鑄造無縫鋼管材質已超越100種。使用這些材料製作出的離心鑄造產品都經過嚴格的品質管制及認證,並依照顧客的需求,做內外徑粗或精加工。 龍吉宇生產的離心鑄管已運用於國內外石化業,熱處理爐業,汽車業,鋼鐵業,造紙業,電廠…等廠商 。

Irreplaceable centrifugal casting manufacturer in Taiwan
LAWAI is the family-run company specializing in manufacturing stainless steel tubes / pipes and components by centrifugal casting technique in Taiwan.
Heat resistant, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant alloys are the main materials used for producing centrifugal castings.
Since 1989
Customization - Manufacturing your dream products by centrifugal casting

Advantages of LAWAI's centrifugal castings

Comprehensive alloy choices
Typical stainless steel to high grade steel

Broad range of dimensions
Diameters 50-600 mm
Lengths 10-3600 mm

Small order quantity accepted
Without actual MOQ

In - house modern machine shop
Rough to finish machining

Precise inspection process before delivery
Material Expert in the centrifugal casting field

LAWAI has the strong R&D team to develop and test different performance steel. We understand different customers' needs in various industries, thus we provide not only the common grades of stainless steel but also the unique alloys.

We help customers design and choose the alloys that meet their special requirements for producing the desired centrifugal castings.
Stainless steel
- 300 Series
- Duplex
- Precipitation Hardening
- Other Alloys, Special Irons

Nickel-based alloys, Super alloys
Cobalt-based alloys
Heat-resistant alloys