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公司資訊 Company Information
名稱Name 炎洲股份有限公司(廠商會員 - 第 13 年)
聯絡人Contact 張曉民
統編Number 35894259
地址Address 243新北市泰山區明志路三段423號
電話TEL 886-2-29033102
傳真FAX 886-2-29036729
E-mail allen547878@hotmail.com
網址Website www.yemchio.com
諮詢公司 加入追蹤 產品總覽 專屬網站


‧本集團在2003年即獲得SONY認可為其『綠色伙伴(Green Partner)』,薄膜類產品通過FDA食品包裝認證,PVC膠帶並率先符合歐洲環保RoHS、REACH之規範。在生產過程中減少碳排放、在生產環境中做到無毒害、銷售之產品符合保健標準,均為是否善盡社會責任之具體表現,本集團所屬各單位及各產品莫不以此為基本要求,全力以赴。

『薄膜事業』: BOPP薄膜集團年產將達16萬噸,營運規模名列台灣第一,世界排名第五大。
『房地產事業』: 2004年成立房產事業部, 2005年確立經營建設事業,100%轉投資成立 【旺洲建設】,營業項目為土地開發及建築營造。 亦有甲級營造廠【 裕洲營造 】、【優館 】精品旅館...等多角化房地產事業經營。

Yem Chio Co., Ltd. was founded in 1978 by Mr. Chih Hsien Lee who is the current President and CEO. Although our business was started with low capital and easy equipment, but it was with a broad vision and worldview. Since its early development in 1984, Yem Chio Group has now become a total capital up to US$ 850 million multinational corporations.

Diversification and management
Yem Chio group develops and extends business widely. After acquiring Achem in 2009, Yem Chio has confirmed the direction for diverse industry development and divided into five business units, incuding BOPP film, adhesive tape, packaging materials sales channel, land development/construction and cloud computing service.

1. BOPP Film Business
To meet the increasing marekt demand, Yem Chio is planning to build its 7th BOPP film production line. The 6th BOPP film production line was already put into operation in Oct, 2011 in Changhua Taiwan and increased 3,000 tons per month, estimated annual output will reach 160,000 tons for the group.

2. Adhesive Tape Business
Ever since Achem merged into Yem Chio Group in 2009, it started to guide the adhesive tape business unit among the group. Through the horizontal integration, it reinforced Yem Chio Group's leading status and influence in the global tape industry.

3. Packaging Material Sales Channel Business
Yem Chio owns the highest density of wholesale packaging material channel in Taiwan. In 2010, Xin Chio Global Co., Ltd was established and the channel brand of ¡§Master Package¡¨ was built for entering the retail market. In order to grow the most competitive sales channel, the professional packaging materials shop ¡§Master Package¡¨ is now actively expanding in Taiwan and China .

4. Land Development & Construction Business
Yem Chio started its real estate business in 2004 and founded a subsidiary of Wong Chio Land Development Co., Ltd. in 2005. The business includes land development, building construction, real estate and hotel management.

5. New Business Development
For sustainable development, Yem Chio group not only devotes to the original business but also expands to other potential industries. For example, we merged Termtek Technology in 2011 and expanded our business into cloud computing service.